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Community Events

I offer bodywork clinics, workshops, and other fun events!

I am happy to travel! Contact me about hosting a bodywork clinic or workshop in your town.

Upcoming Events

Leaky Gut Workshop.jpg

Healing Our Stressed Out Guts

Sunday Jan 19th ~ 3-5pm ~ Barre, VT


Rooted Yoga is hosting me for a workshop where we will explore Leaky Gut Sydrome...what it is, where to comes from, and why it effects such a high percentage of people these days. Then I will discuss and demonstrate how I treat it using the Body Tune Up - a modality that involves manual adjustments and a 14-day meal plan

If you attend the workshop and want to experience it, I will have a signup sheet for sessions on 1/25.

Click to Register Here

Please check back soon for new events!

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